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Dog Beds

Tired or your dog snoring on YOUR pillow and it's time to get Rover a seperate spot to rest his head? I know the feeling and I don't blame you!

Choose a great bed for your pampered pooch from a wide variety in many popular style.

On a budget?
Looking for really nice, but cheap dog beds? We can help with that, too! You can't get much cheaper than free! Scroll down to see how to make your very own dog bed using items you already own! But just in case you're not the crafty type, we have gone out of our way to find some really great pet beds and really great prices.

Many, Many Option For Making Your Own Dog Beds!

Memory Foam Dog Beds are perfect for all dogs, but if your dog is aging and/or suffers from arthritis, joint dysplasia or is recovering from an illness or surgery, nothing will soothe an aching body quite like a memory foam mattress. We found the best deals on them and applied them to banner below.

Elevated Dog Beds
A lot of people (and dogs) prefer an eleveated bed. They work well for outdoor use and will keep dogs cooler indoors as well. Several of them are foldable, making them as easy to carry along with you as a lawn chair. Great for outdoor gatherings, camping trips... or just use them around the house.

Heated dog beds
Provide warmth and comfort to aging pets or hairless pets or any pet who seems to prefer warmth. My dogs can almost always be found lying in the sun. Since getting them the a heated bed to share, they spend a lot more time cuddling together on their little heated pet bed! Check out the great deals we found on some other heated beds.

Cooling and Coolaroo Dog Beds
Like the elevated beds above, a cooling bed can serve the purpose of cooling your dog in a variety of ways. Some have gel pack inserts, some are made of cooling material or have cool pack inserts, etc. I have provided links in the banner below to really great deals on a large variety of cooling beds and other cooling products for dogs.

Large Dog Beds
It is really difficult to find any variety in stores when it comes to large dog beds. While small beds seem plentiful, there doesn't seem to be enough room for beds that larger dogs can sleep on. Have a great dane who likes to stretch out for afternoon naps? We have provided a large variety of beds below in a range of prices, colors and styles!

Whether you're good with a hammer and nails- or if you knit, crochet or sew, etc., you might like the idea of making your own pet bed. It can be done with a hammer and nails, of course, but there are several ways to make dog beds with no tools or sewing required...

Like this Free D-I-Y Dog Bed, for instance...

This no-sew pet bed plan, like the one pictured to the right is super-fast, easy and best of all, FREE. There is no sewing required and you can use the items you already have in your home to make your very own pet bed in about 30 minutes. Your dog will love it!

Need more idea for easy DIY dog beds? Check these out... :)

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