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No Bake Dog Treat Recipe
Healthy, Easy to Make "Cookies" for Your Best Friend!

Easy No bake Dog Treat Recipe

This healthy no bake dog treat recipe will have your dog begging for more... And it's easy to make.

The recipe can be modified to your liking and your dog's liking by adding dried cranberries, pumpkin puree, carob powder, and lots of other healthy ingredients... You name it.

By the way, they're not bad for human consumption either!

Ingredients Needed for No Bake Dog Treat Recipe:

Everything this recipe calls for is probably already in your pantry. If you choose to make any substitutions, research the items for the safety of your dogs.

The ingredients below are all good for dogs, in moderation, just like anything else. Please read packages carefully for any additives that may be harmful to your dogs.

Basic Ingredients:

  • Creamy Peanut Butter (Regular only. Sugar free peanut butter may contain artifical sweetener that is bad for dogs).
  • A Mix of Healthy Oils (coconut oil, olive oil or avacado oil, for example)
  • Honey
  • Quick Cooking Oats (rolled oats or instant oats)
  • Optional ingredients (see below for ideas)

Equipment Needed:

  • Spatula
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • silicone mold (optional)
  • food grade gloves (optional)
  • wax paper or cookie sheet (any clean, dry surface)

How This No Bake Dog Treat Recipe Got It's Start

My husband and I have recently become addicted to healthy, no bake cookies.

You've possibly had no bake cookies once or twice in your life, so you know how good they are. We liked them a little too much and I found myself making them regularly.

When you like no bake cookies and make them as often as we do, you have to find ways to make them healthier, just to keep your waistline in check. By reducing or replacing the unhealthy ingredients, I was able to make a more guilt-free cookie.

For instance, instead of a cup of sugar, I use about 1/4 cup honey. And instead of butter, I use olive oil, coconut oil and avacado oil, combined. I also add craisins (dried cranberries) and pumpkin seeds to mine for more texture.

Unfortunately, my healthy no bake cookie recipe contains cocoa powder and raisins, both of which are poisonous to dogs, so my poor girl was forced to smell them and watch us eat them... and I rarely have any sort of food that I don't share with her.

One evening as I was making another batch of these cookies, I looked down at my dog, being a good girl, sitting politely with sorrowful eyes yearning for a taste, but undoubtedly knowing she wouldn't get one, again.

I was tired. It was night time and I was preparing this batch because my husband likes to eat one or two with a banana for breakfast, and I had an idea. Regardless of being tired, I couldn't stand it, and as soon as this batch was done, I started a new batch, for Joy.

Joy seemed to know this batch was going to be for her. Maybe because my voice changed from one of pity to one of cheerfulness as I made them. I saw her eyes were more lit up as I was hurrying to get them done.

She is not a dog that will eat just anything. She is not super food motivated at all. I take her in the pet store and buy her the fancy dog treats and dog cookies a lot, but much of the time she's indifferent to them.

This no bake dog treat recipe, however, was a huge hit!

She took the first treat eagerly, so I made her "sit" for the second treat. She was so excited to get it she accidentally forgot the "sit" command and hurried to "lay down" instead. When I repeated "sit", she got up and presented her paw to "shake". That was close enough ♥ My silly dog finally found a dog treat that she likes!

Gluten Free - Easy No Bake Dog Treat Recipe
How to Make These No Bake Dog Treats Gluten Free

gluten free label on oats

I am gluten free myself and follow a strict gluten free diet.

It's worth noting here that not all oats are gluten free, nor is peanut butter always certified gluten free.

While oats are themselves gluten free, oat crops are sometimes planted next to wheat and other gluten containing grains, or processed in a facility or on a line where other gluten containing grains get processed, so read packaging when in doubt. Many of the big name brands of oatmeal make no claim at all about gluten testing.

The oats in the picture above were purchased at Wal Mart. There is a gluten free claim to meet FDA standards of less than 20ppm on the package. There is also a gluten free claim on the Jif peanut butter. Neither product has ever caused me a reaction.

However, to save you some time if you prefer a certified gluten free product, this super large 2.5 pound bag of Gluten free oats is very reasonably priced on Amazon and certified gluten free (claim is located on the very bottom of the package on the back).

Yields, Measurement, Ingredients

Yields and Measurements

Yields 25 cookies

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

  • 1/2 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1-1/2 cup Quick Cooking Oats (rolled oats or instant oats)

Optional Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp (sugar free is best) Dried Cranberries (Regular raisins are poisonous to dogs!)
  • 2 tbsp (sugar free is best- and chopped into smaller pieces) Dried bananas or other dried fruit Safe for dogs
  • 1 tbsp carab powder
  • 4 tbsp Pumpkin Puree
  • 2 tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Shredded, unsweetened coconut
  • Anything else your dog likes

Directions For No Bake Dog Treat Recipe w/ Pictures

Stir in all wet ingredients you plan to use and stir them until everything has melted.

no bake dog treat recipe ingredients

Add all dry ingredients to the mix and stir for a few minutes until everything is incorporated.

no bake dog treat recipe ingredients

The finished result should look a little like cookie dough.

no bake dog treat recipe ingredients

Pick up a quarter size amount, give or take, and squeeze tightly until the ingredients hold together. During this step, feel free to add a little more oatmeal if the cookies seem too wet. Or add a little extra oil or honey if they're not sticking together.

no bake dog treat recipe ingredients

Detailed Instructions for No Bake Dog Treat Recipe

The original recipe without optional ingredients:

Yields 25 cookies

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1/2 cup Regular Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1-1/2 cup Quick Cooking Oats (rolled oats or instant oats)

Optional Ingredients:


Only Give your dog sugar free products that are also free of ANY artificial sweeteners.

Whole foods without additives are always best. Check the ingredients list of all products.

  • 2 tbsp (sugar free is best) Dried Cranberries (Regular raisins are poisonous to dogs!)
  • 2 tbsp (sugar free is best- and chopped into smaller pieces) Dried bananas or other dried fruit Safe for dogs
  • 1 tbsp carab powder
  • 4 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbsp shredded, unsweetened coconut
  • Anything else your dog likes


Stir all wet ingredients together over medium heat until the peanut butter has melted. Add the quick cooking oats, plus any other dry ingredients and continue to stir.

Once all wet and dry ingredients are fully incorporated, you should be left with a semi-dry looking paste that clumps like cookie dough, but still slightly separates as your stir. Allow to cool for 15 minutes or longer.

Once cooled to the touch, form a small scoop of the mix into a tightly packed ball, or press into a silicone mold.

Note: If the cookies aren't staying together, you can add a little more honey or a little more oil and re-mix.

Lay on a clean flat surface such as a cookie sheet or wax paper.

How To Store No Bake Dog Treats

Once all treats are formed, placed in an air tight container and store in the refrigerator.

Depending on what optional ingredients you used, these should last up to a week in the refrigeraor and up to 2 months in the freezer.

Tips for No Bake Dog Treat Recipe:

  • I form my cookies small enough that I can give her a whole one. It's possible to give only 1/2 cookies at a time, but you may be left with more leftover crumbs.
  • Wear food grade gloves to keep your hands clean
  • Feed them to you dog in moderation, of course. In addition, it would be a good idea to only give one or two on the first day to make sure that none of these ingredients will cause any gastrointestinal upset for your dog.
  • Do an internet search for any ingredient you add to this recipe and include any ailment that your dog may suffer from to double check the safety for your dog.

The Basic Ingredient Safety Facts For Dogs:

Regular Peanut Butter. Avoid sugar free peanut butter that contains any artifiical sweeteners, especially xylitol, which is deadly to dogs.

While everything in this no bake dog treat recipe is safe and healthy for dogs in moderation, these statement should not replace the advice of you veterinarian.

Regular peanut butter (not sugar free): Is completely safe for dogs in moderation. It's also a great source of essential nutrients like: protein, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, vitamin B-3 (niacin), vitamin B-6, vitamin E.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is rich in healthy omega fats that are great for joint health, digestion and healthy skin and coat. Additionally, coconut oil is an antifungal that can help fight bacteria.

Olive Oil and Avacado Oil: Both oils are a good source of fats and have a lot of same benefits as coconut oil for healthy skin and coat.

Oats: Are a good source of protein and soluable fiber which is great for dogs and people.They also contain other vitamins and minerals like manganese, phosphorus, thiamine, folate, B vitamins, iron, selenium, magnesium, and zinc.

Learn more about me, my art, the mission of this site and Rescue Dogs Are Better here.

As always, contact me if you have any questions about anything you saw or read on this site.

I may earn a small commission from Amazon if you purchase an Amazon product you found on this site.

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