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Interested in learning more about non-shedding dogs? Check out the list below! But here's what you should know first...
Non shedding dogs are low-shedding breeds that lose very little hair, dropping it in much the same way a person does, but very unlike the seasonal shedding seen in many other dogs.
If you're looking for a non shedding dog because you have allergies, learn more about what makes a dog hypoallergenic before deciding on a breed.
If you're like me and have a moderate level dog allergy, but still need a dog in your life, there are ways to control your symptoms and live a healthy life with lots of puppy kisses.
Learn more about how I defeated my dog allergies without loading up on pills and shots.
Affenpinscher Affenpinschers belong to the toy breed family and are affectionately known as the "monkey dog". If you're looking for a dog that doesn't shed a lot because you don't want the mess, this may be the breed for you, but if you're allergic to dander, it's recommended that you first test your tolerance with a few visits before making a commitment to own an Affenpinscher. | |
American Hairless Terrier Many people with severe allergies to pet dander have success with owning this breed. Other than whiskers and eye brows, this dog is completely free of body hair. The American Hairless Terrier also comes in three size varieties (just like the poodle) to suit any taste or lifestyle: toy, miniature and standard. | |
Basenji The rules do not always apply for Basenjis! Especially if they're 'your' rules. Basenjis love to chase, sometimes even a little more than they like to please their owners! If you're looking for a high energy dog with a lot of spunk and personality who loves to play 'fetch', a basenji may be just the breed you're looking for. Learn more by Clicking here. | |
A Bichon Frise is a toy breed. They have a thick coat of wavy hair, but no undercoat. On top of being virtually hypoallergenic, Bichons have few inherent health problems and get along great with other pets. Click here for more information. | |
Brussels Griffon - Rough Coat Only The Brussels Griffon is also a toy breed. Most rough coated Griffies are non shedding dogs, but this is only true for rough coats. The 'smooth coat' variety of this breed does shed seasonally. Learn more about Griffons by clicking here. | |
Cairn Terrier A Cairn Terrier is a small to medium sized breed from the Terrier group. Cairns are known for being great with children and have minimal maintenance requirements. Learn more about Cairns by clicking here. | |
Chinese Crested- Hairless and Powderpuff Both varieties of Chinese Cresteds shed very little to no hair at all. This breed does very well with other pets and when a breeder is chosen wisely, they have excellent temperaments and very few health problems. Please learn all you can if you plan to make a Chinese Crested a part of your family. | |
Havanese Many non shedding dogs will still release a small amount of hair, the Havanese is no exception. They don't leave a mess of hair on the furniture the way that some dogs will, but even a small amount of dander can cause misery to those who suffer from allergies. Learn more about the Havanese by clicking here. | |
Italian Greyhound This toy breed is considered non shedding, however they may still release a small amount of dander. If you suffer from allergies, it's best to test your tolerance with a few visits before making a commitment to own this breed. Learn more about the Italian Greyhound! | |
Lhasa Apso The thick, non shedding coat of the Lhasa apso is very high maintenance and requires frequent brushing, clipping, trimming, etc. to keep from becoming matted. Regular attention should also be given to nails, teeth, ears and pads. | |
Maltese The hair on this little dog is pretty high maintenance, but still non shedding. The Maltese is a toy breed and because of her fragility, she is not right for every household. Learn more about the Maltese and her specific needs by clicking here. | |
Norwich Terriers- Norwich Terriers and Norfolk Terriers are the smallest of the working terriers, but for what they lack in size, they make up for in personality. This non shedding dog breed loves people and the eagerness to please 'his' people makes him an easy dog to train. A family with toddlers might not be the most ideal home for this dog, but most Norwich Terriers tolerate children well and will thrive in almost any calm, functioning household. | |
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Poodles- Toy, Miniature and Standard Poodles are non shedding dogs. This is true for all three varieties: The toy, miniature and the standard. A household with small children is not the ideal place for any toy breed, like the toy poodle, but a miniaure or standard might be the perfect fit your family. |
Schnauzer Schnauzers are non shedding dogs that come in a variety of sizes (miniature, standard and giant) to suit any taste or lifestyle. The Miniature Schnauzer is content with apartment life as long as some form of daily exercise is given. They are non shedding, but will still lose a small amount of hair, the same way people do. | |
Scottish Terriers Scottish Terriers are in the same family as West Highland White Terriers. Like Westies, they don't lose hair excessively, but there is a minimal amount of shedding. If you're looking for a medium sized dog who doesn't leave a huge mess on your furniture, a Scottie may be the one for you. |
Shi Tzus Shih Tzus make great family pets, but like many other small breed dogs they are extremely puppy mill prone. Learn as much as you can about how to avoid a sick or diseased puppy mill Shih Tzu and (at the same time) help put an end to puppy mills by adopting. Learn more by clicking here! | |
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Silky Terrier- The Silky Terrier may look like a Yorkshire Terrier, but Silkies, compared to Yorkies are a stockier dog in both stature and sturdiness. Think you can't adopt a beautiful purebred dog? Chance, in the picture to the left was recently adopted from the Humane Society in Quincy, Ill. |
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Tibetan Terrier- Tibetan Terriers are not as common as some of the other non shedding dogs we have listed here, so it's a little harder to a find reputable breeder in some parts of the world. Tibetan Terriers are high energy dogs with terrier-like temperaments! They thrive on love and attention from their people. More on Tibetan Terriers coming soon! |
West Highland White Terrier Westies are a medium sized dog from the terrier family of breeds. They don't lose hair excessively, but there is a small amount of shedding and dander. Allergy sufferers should test their tolerance with a few visits before making a commitment to own a Westie. | |
Yorkshire Terrier Yorkies are non shedding dogs from the toy family of breeds. Their coats are very high maintenance, but virtually hypoallergenic. Like any person, they will lose a small amount of hair, but a lint roller (to remove loose hairs from articles of clothing) will go unused most of the time. Learn more about Yorkshire Terriers. |
Hypoallergenic dog breeds are technically a modern day myth. And by that I mean, it's not always the dog hair that causes the allergic reaction. Even the heaviest shedding dog breeds can be hypoallergenic for some people.
Joy (pictured here) is a mini Australian Shepherd who happens to have almost no dog smell at all, but she does shed, A LOT! I have minimal allergic reaction to her, even on the worst days.
I have a level 2 dog allergy, but there are specific things I do to help reduce my symptoms.
I've had mostly non-shedding dogs in my adulthood hoping to reduce my allergy syptoms, and then there was Joy.
The good news is she's worth it... and there are ways of reducing, and possibly eliminating your symptoms, too, even with a dog like Joy.
The bad news? Non-shedding dogs may or may not play a role in causing an allergic reaction for you... and even with a non-shedding dog, there will always be dog hair to clean up, but probably nothing like Joy's. ;)
Learn more about what makes a dog hypoallergenic and see how you might be able to control your dog allergy symptoms, too.
This delicious, no-bake dog treat recipe is likely healthier than store bought, uses ingredients you probably already have at home, and you can make it gluten free!
Nothing is more important to the relationship your share with your dog than training. Learn these easy training techniques and some cool tricks, too!
Learn how to make this super cute, no-sew dog bed with the materials you already have at home. Better than store bought!
Learn more about me, my art, the mission of this site and Rescue Dogs Are Better here.
We also welcome you to contact us if you have any questions about anything you saw or read on this site.
Check to find a Non Shedding dog near you in need of a loving forever home!
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