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Breed Information

Pug painting autumn garden flagPug garden flag from my original autumn oil painting. Learn more below.
Bones Chart
How pugs Score 0 - 5 Bones
General Health
Easily Housebroken
Low Maintenance
Good w/Other Pets
Non-Shedding n/a

"A friend might well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature."

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson    

All about Pugs... (The Good, The Bad AND... The Pugly)

Watch Dogs-They make keen watch dogs! You can trust a Pug to alert you with barking upon every knock at the door, ring of the bell or random cat who happens to wander onto her territory.

Size- Normally ranges between 10" to 12" high (at the shoulder) and 14 to 18 pounds, but this can vary a little. They make great lap dogs and apartment life will suit his exercise needs well.

Friendly-This is a very "people friendly" breed. Not especially shy or timid, he can be trusted not to nip at the heels of strangers. His is also friendly with and tolerant of other animals. Early socialization is always a good idea.

Trainability-In the right environment, gentle handling being a must, they do well in obediance training. Patience will get you much further than scolding. Pugs are sensitive to shouting and will withdraw completely from harsh training.

Excitability-Not an overly excitable breed, they're most often laid back and like nothing more than curling up in a warm lap.

With the popularity of small breed dogs increasing, so too has the number of breeders. To satisfy the demand, oppurtunists (like puppy mills) are taking advantage and producing inferior puppies for the sake of profit while their breeding dogs suffer unimaginably from disease and neglect. Most of the time living their entire lives in tiny cages.

There is most likely a Pug rescue group near you. Learn all the reasons why adoption might be the right choice for you.

More about Pugs

Housebreaking difficulties- Some toy breeds are very hard housebreak... A Pug is one of them. You'll need to be very patient with your Pug and probably clean up several messes in the meantime. Small dogs come with small bladders.

Separation anxiety is common- He will show you his frustration by destructive chewing and barking or by having "accidents" on your furniture when you have to leave him home alone. Curb Separation Anxiety by following these simple guidelines.

Behavioral Issues- Pugs can be astonishingly stubborn and rebellious. They have a mind of their own and don't like to be controlled. Needless to say, you won't find a pug at the head of the class at obedience school.

Maintenance- Because they have short hair, excessive grooming is not necessary, but it's important to keep the creases on their face clean of dirt and apply hypoallergenic lotion now and then. Care must be taken to keep water out of his nose during bathing. This area is best cleaned with a soft cloth, slightly wet. Use extra care when cleaning around his eyes as well.

Shedding- Shedding occurs all year long. The short hairs cling to everything and seems never-ending, because it is. Enthusiasts of the breed joke that pugs shed seasonally... every season that is, and they're right. If a non-shedding dog is your preference, start here.

Snoring and Flatulence- Because of their short snouts, Pugs tend to be very noisy little sleepers and make a lot of different noises even when they're awake. They are also very gassy little dogs.

Pugs are not 'outside dogs'. They overheat quickly in warm weather and while playing too hard. They also chill rather easily leaving them susceptible to colds- which can further complicate breathing difficulties. A coat or sweater is recommended for outside potty breaks in the winter. They're necessary and adorable!

-Health Issues-

Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE) is an inflammation of the brain that is exclusive to this breed. There is no cure and no known cause. Treatment most often goes in vain. Most dogs die or are humanely euthanized within a few months of diagnosis.

Luxating patellas-A joint condition in which kneecaps pop in and out of place.

Hip Dysplasia is a developmental subluxation of the hip joints which can eventually lead to arthritis and/or lameness. According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, an astonishing 61.7% of pugs will be affected by this joint disease. It's causes are genetic as well as environmental. A secondary concern is osteoarthritis.

The use of Pet Steps can significantly reduce the wear and tear on joints and can even prevent the early onset of Hip Dysplasia, Patellar Luxation and Legg-Calvé-Perthes Syndrome, among other things. Keeping your dog from becoming overweight will also help to prevent the early onset of joint disease.

Pugs can eat a lot. They will eat as much as you will feed them and still want more. The proper amount of food required will depend on your dog's size. Most commercial pet food products have an easy to understand feeding chart listed on the packaging. Pets WebMD is a great source for diet and nutrition recommendations.

Stenotic Nares- A softening of the cartilage in the nasal cavity which makes it hard for a dog to inhale air. This can cause enlarging of the heart and and flattening of the chest. It's miserable for the dog and surgery is the only way of correcting it. Symptoms include; nasal discharge, labored breathing followed by snorting and lethargy due to lack of oxygen.

Many Eye Conditions- Pugs lack a skeletal brow ridge and because of this, they can easily scratch their corneas. Any scratch or injury of the eye can result in ulcers. Hereditary problems with their eyes include Retinal Atrophy and Bilateral Cataracts. Under tearing or Dry Eye, as you might imagine, will cause a great deal of discomfort every time he blinks. Entropion, another painful condition, is an inward folding of the eye lid- causes eyelashes to constantly rub against the eyeball.

Pigmentary Keratitis- Is a build up of dark tissue that forms over the eye and grows gradually to potentially cover the entire surface. Vets are now treating the condition with medicinal eye drops. Surgery is also an option in severe cases.

Hypothyroidism-A condition of the thyroid gland which causes weight gain, hair loss and scaly skin.

They also have a high incidence of Demodectic Mange. Mites occur naturally on the skin, but on some dogs (like pugs), they multiply at a much higher rate. This causes patches of hair loss and irritation that can only be treated by a veterinarian.

Consider using PET STAIRS for your pugs to help reduce the early onset of joint disease.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The single most important thing you can do to increase your odds of avoiding a dog with severe health issues is to avoid puppy mill dogs. Here's how and why.

Pug Dog Art

Autumn garden flag with Pug and pumpkins and falling leaves 12 x 18 inches

  • 12"x18"
  • Weather and UV resistant
  • Heavy weight, HIGH END designer boutique quality you will not find in chain stores.
  • Double-sided - both sides are printed with same exact image!
  • Satisfaction Guarantee!
  • Direct from artist!
  • Learn more about me, my mission to save dogs and see more of my artwork HERE!


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