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A Rescue Story -Brenna

by alex solovey
(valley village, ca 91607)

A note from small-breed-dogs:

The story below is a submission to our site from Alex in California. It's also Brenna's story... and the story of millions of other dogs who are being tortured for monetary gains by selfish owners.

But thanks to rescue groups, there is a dog near you in need of adoption. Simply type your state along with the word rescue into a google search to find the perfect dog near you. Or go to to find a dog like Brenna.

Sadly, most dogs in pet stores, classified ads and on the internet start their lives the way Brenna did... hungry, unsocialized, unhealthy and living in squalor. Thanks for the story, Alex. Here it is in it's orginal form.

i rescued brenna, a yorkshire terrier, about 5yrs of age, from a breeding business gone horribly wrong. My ex girlfriends mother tried to start a breeding business 2years ago, after getting two yorkies as pets. Well, unfortunately, this woman didnt consider the work and care involved, and surely didnt consider her own personal health limitaions-lack of patience and a severe depression problem.

She quickly acquired 11 additional 'breeding stock' yorkies (6f, 5m) and 3 puppies-because "she couldnt resist"! Needless to say, she quickly became overwhelmed by the work and responsiblity of being a successful and most of all humane breeder. In no time these poor dogs were left to tend to themsrlves as the mother retreated into her own world of depression.

When i came to visit, i was shocked to tears when i saw the conditions. The house was just a mess with any and all house projects that were started but never finished. Not enough food or water for everybody, which naturally insighted competition, with the older, fiercer dogs getting the majority of the little to no food that was thrown to them. Brenna was the worst off! She tended to defend herself by being aggressive which caused the others to gain up on her.

This resulted in Brenna being locked in a toilet by herself for months at a time. When i first saw her, her hair was absolutely knotted over EVERYWHERE! She barely could see because of all the hair, dirt, and puss that was acccumilated in and aroung her eyes. She had never had her nails cut or teeth brushed. She was incredibly skinny, which was a shock, due to the fact that at a healthy normal weight, she only weighs 4.5lbs! She was fearful and very aggressive.

When i got her home, after a serious fight, and countless threats-that i made good on between myself and breeder-she agreed to let me take Brenna immediately, in full aggreance that i would be able to come back for the rest of the dogs.

At first she snapped at any and all that came close. She would never eat at her food at the dish, but instead, grab little pieces and scamper off to her corner to quickly swallow the bits, fearing that someone would try to take it from her.

Im happy to tell you, that now, after 1years time, brenna is a healthy, happy go lucky yorkie. It took some time and a whole lot of love and patience, but we managed to coax her out of her shell. I was also able to find good homes for three of the other yorkies in my home town of LA. The rest of the bunch were all found good homes, through adoption drives under my supervision, in their home state of ohio.

Please to anyone who is looking to get a pet (dog or cat), please visit your local pound/shelter first. The breeder's puppies are almost always guaranteed a home and will always be there if you dont find anything at the shelter. But the one at the shelter doesnt have that guarantee. Its very possible that during the time u take to go to a breeders house, the perfect pet will have to be euthanized. So please, give adoption a chance. I promise you will be very happy with your decision. I know i am!

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