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by Trish
(West Virginia)

This is the site I have been searching all week for. My name is Trish, I have extreme allergies, some foods can kill me, meds have to be given while with the Doc, I don't get to go shopping because the smell of hairspray, or perfumes or any type of aresol takes my breath away even while wearing a mask. My time is spent at home with my dog Gretta, now Gretta is a real treat, some call her spoiled, some call her spoiled rotten, I go for rotten myself. About 10 weeks ago Gretta became very ill, she is having siezures, vomiting,& no energy, the vet has suggested putting her to sleep,my heart says no, but my mind sees what is happening, Gretta will go to sleep on Tuesday the 15th of March 2011. I need another baby, not to replace Gretta, but to keep me company, the only company I have is the computer, telephone & my dog, because of my allergies I am no longer allowed to work & for protection I have no company, I have no family. I have searched & searched for a non shedding hypoallergenic dog but they want hundreds of dollars for them, my Doc has told me what kind to get, but I need someone that will work with me on the price or maybe to adopt a young adult, please help Yesterday I was scammed by this company that I later found out from the police had stolen tons of money from people like me....they offered me 2 yorkies for $300.00, the longer we talked the higher it went......avoid anyone going by the name of wilson-rosevelt they have several sites.

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Jan 14, 2012
So sorry to hear about your Gretta
by: Anonymous

I sincerely hope you were able to find another dog and that no one tried to take advantage of you in the process!

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